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Driving New Industrial DevelopmentsPartnership MaintenancePublic Policy and Membership in Associations

Public Policy and Membership in Associations

Donation and political contribution policy

Our donations are based on considerations to give back to communities and fulfill our CSR. We did not make any political donations for lobbying, and any donations to a related party or a major donation to a non-related party must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Participation in non-profit organizations:

In order to help industries in Taiwan improve their operation outlook, FPCC has been proactively participating in various industrial associations and societies by serving as chairman, director/supervisor, and representative at the said organizations. We conduct exchanges with counterparts on operational experience through associations and organizations, and share the latest market intelligence, supply and demand changes, and technical information, in hopes of making contributions to the industry as a whole. Important positions held by the Company in various associations are described below: